Posts in Faith Action
Who are the Great Company of Women?

As Christian women, we are part of a Great Company of Women – world wide. As it is referred to in Psalm 68:11, it says the Lord gives the command and a great company or host of women proclaim the good news. The word company or host is a military term in Hebrew, meaning a vast host organized for war or worship!

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The Sound of Cheering

This morning I had an early appointment. When I was half way to my destination, I had a fresh thought drift across my mind. I say fresh thought because I wasn’t thinking about anything but driving safely on the frozen road, meeting with other writers at my friend’s bakery and the list of things I needed to do today. Then suddenly, I was thinking of the sound of cheering. I imagined a crowd yelling, whistling, and clapping with exuberant expressions of excitement, and something deep within me stirred.

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When To Say What You're Not Saying

One summer, when traveling, I stayed with a family who was grieving the death of their daughter. It had been 3 years since their terrible loss, and they were merely going through the motions of the life they once lived. The second night I was there, the mother confided in me she wasn’t doing well. She wasn’t sleeping, there was a disconnect in her marriage, they had stopped observing holidays and visiting friends or family. That’s when I realized just how much it was costing them to open their home to me in the midst of their grief.

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