Posts in Lifestyle of Faith
Feeling Lost in Life

Do you ever feel lost? It’s easy to get turned around in life. Sometimes we get jostled about, so much so, that we lose our equilibrium & sense of direction. Life is just like that sometimes! But, so is any off-road adventure that’s worth the thrill of taking. Pursuing life in the Spirit is most definitely worth every white knuckle grip, clinging to the edge, holding on by a thread moment! And ALL the fear-thrills that cause us to readjust and find our footing in Christ again and again is an important part of the journey.

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Fueled by Delight

There is a way to live unbound. It isn’t easy. In fact, it takes grit. Because what Jesus said is true, the only way to find your life is to loose it. When we yield our way and accept His Way, we get unbound— which begins a process of learning to live it.

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It’s The Little Things

My husband and I were busily finishing up our packing and errands as we prepared to leave in July for our summer ministry trip around the U.S.   I was mentioning and partly complaining as I was thinking of what I still needed to do. I hadn’t bought the right length of shoe laces for my black shoes yet.

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To Every Mother

Letting go and releasing control of all the details of our kids lives isn’t for the weak. Being a mom is the most rewarding, exhausting and toughest job there is! From the physical energy it takes when they’re young to the emotional strength it takes to release them... it’s not a job with a fancy title or financial compensation but the investment we make into our children’s lives, often with our own with blood, sweat and tears, may just be the biggest impact our lives have on this earth.

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Rest Like Jesus

I took a little vacation with my husband last week. We took time to celebrate our 31st anniversary and also to decompress from life in general. It was to McCall, Idaho, a beautiful mountain getaway, about 90 miles from Boise. And to make sure I used the time to relax, I shut down my laptop and didn’t write, tweak the website or do any of my other normal things the entire week. I even took a book and planned to read. Unfortunately I packed the wrong book, one that I had recently read! But we had such a relaxing time in the mountains and at the lake it didn’t even matter.

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The Simple Life

You may hear the phrases intentional living, sustainable living, live simply, tiny living, organic and intentional living. There is another saying that rings true, “there is nothing new under the sun”. So, although these concepts are not new, they may be new to us.

About ten years ago, I was living in a 2400 square foot home, with my husband, 2 sons and 2 dogs. We were homeschooling during the day, and involved running a concert house 4 evenings a week as a mission to youth in the current music culture. It was an intense season, filled with routine chores, lesson plans, homeschool field trips, home church, raising preteen boys, and running a concert house with shows that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. I longed for a simple, and organized life, but who had time for that. What I did have time for was organizing our schedule, cutting some things out and prioritizing things that were important to us.

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