It’s The Little Things

My husband and I were busily finishing up our packing and errands as we prepared to leave in July for our summer ministry trip around the U.S.   I was mentioning and partly complaining as I was thinking of what I still needed to do. I hadn’t bought the right length of shoe laces for my black shoes yet. Of course I said it out loud as if Dick would do something!  “And I need a different color bra that fits me!”  I was frustrated, and tension was building in the room. Being in a time crunch added to the atmosphere. Dick stopped what he was doing, looked at me and said with a smile, “It’s just the little things that you need.”  As our eyes met, we burst into laughter!  I said, “it’s like the little foxes trying to steal my fruit.”

The scripture that came to my mind was, Song of Songs 2:15, “ Catch for us the foxes,  the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. So I can say, “It’s the little things that steal my Joy.” Also, I can say, “It’s the little things that give me Joy.”